Residential Stability
Residential stability is an indicator of stability, investment, and connectivity to a neighbourhood. It measures the percentage of the population that has remained at the same address for five or more years.
Why This Matters
Residential stability demonstrates both a commitment and ability to stay and plant roots within a community. Population mobility affects a wide range of factors ranging from the local economy and services, to the spread of infectious disease, and is itself affected by economic conditions (people often move to regions where they can find employment), home ownership, and other factors. High mobility during childhood has been linked to depression (Gilman et al. 2003), and high rates of school mobility have been associated with lower graduation rates (Guevremont et al., 2007; Jimerson et al., 2002).
Measurement and Limitations
This indicator measures the percentage of the population that has remained at the same address for five or more years. Data from 2006 and earlier was part of the long-form of the Canadian Census. In 2011, the long-form was cancelled, and this question was made part of the National Household Survey (NHS). Though the questions are comparable, the NHS was a voluntary survey (with a 76% response rate in Manitoba), whereas the Census long-form was mandatory (with a 94% response rate). Though data quality is lower (worse) in the NHS, it remains comparable to previous years.
Data Source
Statistics Canada. 2022. (table). Census Profile. 2021 Census of Population. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2021001. Ottawa. Released September 21, 2022.
Statistics Canada. 2017. Canada [Country] and Canada [Country] (table). Census Profile. 2016 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 98-316-X2016001. Ottawa. Released November 29, 2017.
Statistics Canada. 2013. Canada (Code 01) (table). National Household Survey (NHS) Profile. 2011 National Household Survey. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 99-004-XWE. Ottawa. Released September 11, 2013.
Statistics Canada. 2007. Canada (Code01) (table). 2006 Community Profiles. 2006 Census. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 92-591-XWE. Ottawa. Released March 13, 2007.
Data is updated on Peg as it becomes available from the data providers.
Gilman SE, Kawachi I, Fitzmaurice GM, Buka L. Socio-economic status, family disruption and residential stability in childhood: relation to onset, recurrence and remission of major depression. Psychol Med. 2003; 33(8):1341-55.
Guevremont A, Roos NP, Brownell M. Predictors and consequences of grade retention: Examining data from Manitoba Canada. Can J School Psychol 2007;22(1):50-67.
Jimerson SR, Anderson GE, Whipple AD. Winning the battle and losing the war: Examining the relation between grade retention and dropping out of high school. Psychol Schools 2002; 39:441-457.
Residential Stability in the Sustainable Development Goals
Click on the SDG to reveal more information
10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
The international community has made significant strides towards lifting people out of poverty. The most vulnerable nations – the least developed countries, the landlocked developing countries and the small island developing states – continue to make inroads into poverty reduction. However, inequality still persists and large disparities remain in access to health and education services and other assets.
Additionally, while income inequality between countries may have been reduced, inequality within countries has risen. There is growing consensus that economic growth is not sufficient to reduce poverty if it is not inclusive and if it does not involve the three dimensions of sustainable development – economic, social and environmental.
To reduce inequality, policies should be universal in principle paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations.
Related Residential Stability Targets
Facilitate orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility of people, including through the implementation of planned and well-managed migration policies